Have you come across this beautiful flower before? Probably not, since it’s rare in the New Jersey Pine Barrens, the State of New Jersey and globally!

The Pine Barrens gentian (Gentiana autumnalis) is a fall flowering perennial plant found in New Jersey. Its survival is threatened by changes in fire patterns, mowing schedules, increased forest density and being eaten. Though there are only a few occurrences in New Jersey, the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection’s Office of Natural Lands Management considers the recovery potential for this plant to be high. Through forest management strategies of increasing canopy openness, reintroducing fire and mowing woody shrubs in the dormant season, the Department of Environmental Protection hopes to increase the population statewide.

🎉 A Success Story!
Together with Office of Natural Lands Management, Pinelands Preservation Alliance, New Jersey Forest Fire Service and New Jersey Conservation Foundation, the New Jersey Forest Service undertook a habitat restoration project to increase the population at a known gentian site by opening up the canopy, cutting back shrubs and introducing prescribed fire. In 2019, before any management activities, there were only 7 Pine Barrens gentian on site. As of June 2022, that number has rose to 41 gentian plants!

Media and photos courtesy of NJ State Parks, Forest and Historic sites