JACKSON: This morning the A shift working along with members of Millstone Volunteer FD and Jackson Fire-Station 56, helped rescue a horse that had been missing from a farm in Millstone Township since Friday afternoon. The horse was located deep in the woods in Jackson Township by a hunter who was out looking for him. The horse was stuck deep in the mud. Due to the mud and terrain to get to where the horse was located, there was no way possible to get any heavy equipment back into the woods to assist with the rescue.. The firefighters along with the owner of the horse, horse trainers, a veterinarian and many other people, they worked hard using shovels, axes, straps and rigging to get the horse free out of the mud. After the horse was able to stand on his own, a stable path through the woods had to be created by using heavy rubber mats the entire way out to keep him from sinking back into the mud. Thanks to great team work the horse was brought to safety and transported for further care.