OCEAN GATE: Police responded to the Ocean Gate Elementary School earlier in the 12:00 hour today for suspicious metal detecting. Dispatch advises the superintendent called police to [shamefully] report a male and his child were metal detecting on school grounds. It is also noted the suspects allegedly were digging holes in the field; which would go along with metal detecting. While digging holes and leaving them exposed is surely a trip hazard and wrong- it gives metal detecting a bad name.

Moments later a unit arrived and located the male and his child; both witnessed to be searching for buried treasure by officers. The police began interrogating the male, and he explained that he was under the impression he could use metal detectors at the school as he was friends with one of the maintenance staff. The suspect and his child ultimately left the school as the superintendent was adamant about them leaving via telephone call with police.

A little side story here for anyone still reading. While there is more to this story than what goes out over the air; it is worth noting parks, schools, and other public lands belong to taxpayers. If you wish to metal detect on public property, be sure to fill in any and all holes you cause as you search for riches. Assuming you have the common sense to not be digging up a sports field, or playground area- the superintendent may be in the wrong here.

Stay Tuned for an OPRA!