So there have been times in the past where I wanted Ice Cream and the nearest option was a McDonalds. You start anticipating, go in, place your order for a tasty cold treat only to find out that the machine is broken.

Well there is one person that seems to be on a mission to fix this issue.

@Rashiq on Twitter managed to reverse engineer McDonald’s internal API and is currently placing an order worth $18,752 every minute at every McDonalds in the US to figure out which locations have broken machines. The result of all this hackery is the McBroken website. A website that can be used to track broken Ice Cream machines at your local McDonalds locations.

At the time of the posting of this article while 7.94% of all locations apparently had broken machines, the only one in ocean county appeared to be 260 County Line Road in Jackson, NJ.

Ocean County McDonald’s Locations Ice Cream Machine Status as per McBroken.Com

Just to add a bit of clarification, @Rashiq mentions that no order gets executed, and no ice cream is actually wasted in the process.