Jackson – A Hispanic Man found passed out in a vehicle at Cee Gee’s Bar & Grill with a Bud Light Lime in his vehicle charged with 7 counts.

The Police Officer removed the key from his ignition, asked the Male to get out of his car. He had difficulty standing and had to grab the car to stand

The Officer asked him to produce identification and the Male handed him a credit. When the officer asked if he had any identification he said no. When the officer reached and looked in his wallet he found a Mexican ID. Additionally he was unable to produce registration, license or any insurance information.

When the officer asked him if he had been drinking he answered yes, when the officer then asked how many beers he had consumed the male Hispanic driver began speaking in Spanish.

The Driver was charged with the below offenses:

Driving without a License

Failure to present a Registration Card

Failure to present a valid License Card

Reckless Driving

Driving while on Suspended

Possessing an Open Container in a MV