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I have students from Thailand and China attending Donovan Catholic High School this Fall and looking for loving host families for them. You might be or you might know someone who would be interested in hosting these students. Students have medical coverage, local support and bring their own pocket money. Hosting a student from another part of the world is a life-changing experience that creates a lifelong friendship! Visit www.phs.asse.com for more information or call me on 949-494-4100 ext. 441. Thank you all for sharing or leaving a comment/like.

Here is something about students:

Techin from Thailand is a 17 years old boy with a passion for music. He has been playing piano and guitar since his 10 years. His biggest passion is languages and in particular, learning English. He is excited to have foreign friends, learn about the American culture and share all he knows of his homeland.

Ruibo from China is 15 years old. He lives with his parents, grandma and also with a dog, who is like a member of the family. He is interested in music, especially American and Europan pop music, movies, such as Marvel’s The Avengers and Aquaman. He also enjoys riding a bike or playing volleyball. He says that people should make more contact with different cultures.

William from China is 17 years old and is on the school Soccer team. His favorite player is Ronaldo as he believes he is a strong leader for his team. He also likes badminton, biking, table tennis, swimming, and basketball. He wants to be an advocate for China sharing the real culture with Americans. Will says he believes that he will also bring ‘warm’ for your family.

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